HTML 5 Canvas

HTML <canvas> is an element used to draw graphics on a web page. The <canvas> element is a container for the graphics. All drawing on the canvas is done with JavaScript. For Homework #1, I modified an HTML file containing rectangles and lines. In the assignment, we needed to change the size, color, and location of 3 rectangles and all the lines in the HTML file. To prepare for completing the assignment, I reviewed some HTML tutorials available on the web. My 3 favorite tutorials are below.

1. Canvas Tutorial was my favorite because it was hands on. I found it more engaging because I am a visual learner. The tutorial was very intuitive.

2. HTML5 Canvas Tutorial is similar to Canvas Tutorial. It is less interactive but, it provides a good reference for all the properties and methods needed for Canvas assignments. I can copy the code and paste it into my own HTML page.

3. I like the YouTube video by Chris Courses. It showed ho to do stuff visually. I am a visual learner. Chris used a MacBook so I could relate to his tutorial.


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