

The calligram I created is the symbol of The Raddmoses Kingdom from War of Dragons. In third grade, I created an imaginary world filled with dragons and other anthropomorphic beings as a coping mechanism for being bullied at school. This world has the main faction (the Raddmoses Kingdom) face off against other factions (Confederate Union, The Federation, Dragon Claw, and the Army's of Gorgola) while also following the story of Iyon and Zouann (the 2 main characters). Each character is based on a person, emotion, or item from my life. In sixth grade, I started to put my imaginary world on paper, and started writing my book called War of Dragons. War of Dragons is a Sci-Fi fantasy story about dragons with elemental powers who take down enemies; which I hope to be the next Star Wars. In high school, I started to bring War of Dragons to the screen through my Multimedia classes. My dream is to become a movie director and make War of Dragons a movie for all to enjoy.

I experimented with Adobe Illustrator to create the calligram. The 4 diamonds in the Calligram represent the four families who fought for the crown, The Raddmoses, The Val, The Dalo and The Olvo.

The top one is Raddmoses, the family who won and rulers in fairness and justice.

The attached left and right represent the Val (on the left) and The Dalo (on the right).

The bottom one represents the Ovlo, the family that killed the first king.

The dot represents the crown, its tiny size is the promise that the crown will be just and fair and not over step their boundaries in protecting all dragons and beings in the kingdom. It is in the center as the crown holds the kingdom together.

The left line represents the Congress and the right line represents the inhabitants of the kingdom.

The circle represents unity, the unity of the kingdom, and unity of Dragons, wolf and being.

The words that fill the Calligram is a letter to my self 20 years from now. Asking my future self, if we successfully created War of Dragons.


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