Somewhere Project - Star Wars vs War of Dragons
For the Somewhere project, using Photoshop, I took a scene from Star Wars and placed myself into the scene. I chose a scene from Star Wars because it is my favorite movie series. The first picture is the actual Star Wars scene, the second picture is an action picture of myself, and the third picture is the two pictures merged together.
In my story, War of Dragons, there are dragons who can control elements. Those who can control all elements are called catalysts. A well known catalyst is named Darcladis, an insane dragon who's fighting style is vicious and unpredictable. Darcladis could easily beat any Jedi in combat. In the consolidated image above I dressed up as Darcladis for a movie trailer project I made in high school. As a Star Wars fan, I used the Jedi as an example and stepping stone in forming elementals and I am very happy to have combined the two into one image. This is where Star Wars meets War of Dragons.
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